Don't overestimate your relationship with anyone. 不要高估你和任何人的关系。 Are ther...
In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happi...
I hope all the sufferings in the world are far away from the kids in fro...
不要记得我不好的样子 也不要记得我纠缠卑微求你的日子 你要记得我刚见你那天骄傲的样子 那才是我 Don't remember my bad da...
天秤座的你YYDS, 没人配得上你 Libra girls are the best ( YYDS), no one is good enoug...
我还有最后一句话, 我永不负你 I have my last words, I won’t fail you. 我可能有点喜欢他。我觉得他有点喜...
仅一夜之间 我的心判若两人。 Just overnight,my mind has been changed, and I have becom...
“不准伤害女孩,拿玫瑰花也不行!” "Girls shouldn’t be hurt,not even with a rose." 建议男性不要...
Independence is the best armor for girls 独立是女孩子最好的铠甲。 It's not worth pin...