I am enjoying a fiction which is something hooking up my affection! Absolutely , I am l...
我的第一本英文原版书, David and Goliath,读完了,加油!begin with another one FIGHT CLUB
Looking backward ,there is neither storm nor sunshine ,but who cares
I am not upset ,I am just aimless,however,such a state can bring me to helpless place w...
So ashamed did I realize it that the error I made is lacking in reading and knowledge ,...
“夜幕落下, 我仔细上妆,涂抹口红, 调整姿态,静静等待, 寂寞到来”--几米 The night falls , I made up exquisitely, using ...
Say what? What can I say ? every single word you used , is a freezing code
what I thought right virtually is wrong ,even more ridiculously,it is a satire
从此我爱上的人都很像你(一) 进入大学以后,偌大的校园逛了两遍,很显然,并没几个认识的人。最后还是钻进图书馆,里面很大很安静,采光良好,冬暖夏凉。据说这座图书馆是“西南第一馆”,设计感极强。 然而...
那双不合适的鞋,不止是要扔掉,还要早早扔掉,否则伤痕累累,走一程痛苦的路,回头,苦笑 为自己曾经的在乎难过
To fill out the blank which is offered by the company he desires to join cost him a bit...
——004 well ,as we all know,China just has a very large population which of course makes...