240 发简信
  • About a boy

    I am enjoying a fiction which is something hooking up my affection! Abso...

  • own up

    我的第一本英文原版书, David and Goliath,读完了,加油!begin with another one FIGHT CLUB

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
  • own up

    Looking backward ,there is neither storm nor sunshine ,but who cares

  • own up

    I am not upset ,I am just aimless,however,such a state can bring me to h...

  • own up

    So ashamed did I realize it that the error I made is lacking in reading ...

  • translation

    “夜幕落下, 我仔细上妆,涂抹口红, 调整姿态,静静等待, 寂寞到来”--几米 The night falls , I made up exqu...

  • own up

    Say what? What can I say ? every single word you used , is a freezing code

  • own up

    what I thought right virtually is wrong ,even more ridiculously,it is a ...