1. 介绍Arnold Arnold是新一代的高级渲染器,从Maya 2017开始取代了Mental Ray成为Maya内置的高级渲染器。Arnold号称“基于物理”,在使用...
如果能够记住3dmax操作时候的快捷键,那么设计师在使用3dmax的过程中将能够很方便快速地完成作图,提升画图的效率,那么3dmax快捷键大全有哪些呢? 1.字母键 2.数字...
1 I’m trying to sleep. 我在努力睡觉了。 2 Come inside and play with us. 进来和我们一起玩。 3 Don’t invit...
视频及变速版见同名dou音或公主号I'm scared. It's getting stronger.Getting upset only makes it worse.Ca...
“Well?” said the geographer expectantly.“Oh, where I live,” said the little prince, “it...
视频及变速版见同名 dou音或公众号I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play.Go pl...