CAUSE 1. 英英释义:a reason for having particular feelings or behaving in a particular way 例...
儿子女友Lily在上海找到工作,工作不错,待遇很好。 最近Lily感染了,儿子打电话向我抱怨说:“Lily不会生活,不会照顾自己,我要去上海照顾她。”我开玩笑说:“你们相处这...
There is no going back to the age when large objects were complex and small objects wer...
一、单词释义 a sign that shows the condition or existence of something 二、用法解析 可与indication相替换...
1. 单词释义: to be something that others admire and want to have very much 2. 用法解析: 可解释为“令....
The bag ban is not an end in itself. It’s part of a culture change, with more and more ...