@网密 (* ̄︶ ̄)
[Note] Effective OC - Item 49~52Chapter 7. The System Frameworks Item 49: Use Toll-Free Bridging for Collections with C...
Chapter 7. The System Frameworks Item 49: Use Toll-Free Bridging for Collections with C...
岁数轻的人听戏,有时候很尴尬。 听戏要过瘾,最好是听老戏,老戏又得是老角儿唱的才好,可是老角儿在世的已经不多了,也就是听听老录音,看看老录像。老的录音录像难免有失真的地方,有...
Chapter 6. Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch Item 46: Avoid dispatch_get_current_queue ...
Chapter 6. Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch (昨天问大神死锁的问题的时候,大神推荐去看《Objective-C高级编程》这本,看...
Chapter 6. Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch Item 40: Avoid Retain Cycles Introduced by...
Chapter 6. Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch Item 37: Understand Blocks 这一节讲block的一些比较基...
这篇浏览量突然就增多了吓一跳( ⊙ o ⊙ ) 想在前面写一句,我还是小弱,可能难免有翻译出问题的地方,有疑问的话请翻阅一下原稿,错误不足之处敬请指正,谢谢谢谢! 原作者B...
Chapter 5. Memory Management Item 32: Beware of Memory Management with Exception-Safe C...
@网密 噢噢就是说因为这两种语义当对象销毁时,指针不会自动置nil,所以需要在dealloc时清空对吗?那如果不是delegate,是别的有这样语义的属性,是不是也需要做这样的操作呢?
[Note] Effective OC - Item 29~31Chapter 5. Memory Management Item 29: Understand Reference Counting 这一节讲引用计数。文中说在分析和理解引...
Chapter 5. Memory Management Item 29: Understand Reference Counting 这一节讲引用计数。文中说在分析和理解引...