51. In your experience, do spontaneous confessions such as this tend to be accurate? *i...

51. In your experience, do spontaneous confessions such as this tend to be accurate? *i...
@二十五岁的老奶奶 大多是加入这两个协会的议员
译员薪资调查报告的正确打开方式虽然CIOL(Chartered Institute of Linguists)和ITI(Institute of Translation and Interpreting)...
41. We'll pay Kenny's legal fees. *legal fees 法律咨询费或诉讼费 42. Life at a private firm has ...
@贝小鱼 哇被鱼大大翻牌了好激动
译员薪资调查报告的正确打开方式虽然CIOL(Chartered Institute of Linguists)和ITI(Institute of Translation and Interpreting)...
虽然CIOL(Chartered Institute of Linguists)和ITI(Institute of Translation and Interpreting)...
* Parody - an imitation of a literary work, song, film, type of news commentary, use of...
* irony - someone is being ironic when he says something that is very different from an...
总述: the speaker or writer implies and the listener or reader infers * imply: to say or ...
31. Can I be excused? 我能离开了吗? 32. I didn't make the soccer team. 我没进得了足球队。 33. He got i...
@骷髅星 得救了
史上最虐心也是最暖心的丧尸片——《釜山行》很久没有在电影院里看到这么精彩的电影了。在电影院里一面不敢看、一面又泪流满面地看不清,出了影院更是回味无穷。 丧失电影和灾难片最大的不同也许在于“有伤口即会传染”,然后传染人...
21. He is a top-rated ABA member. *top-rated: most popular with the public *ABA: Americ...
11. Nothing was reported stolen, but the police have Kenny and Brian's fingerprints on ...
本来就有单数词性的:anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone, nobody, no one, somebody, someone。 问题在于...
*extremist: someone who goes to extremes or holds extreme opinions (it refers to someon...
* e.g. =for example, such as(say e.g. before examples) * i.e.=in other words (say i.e. ...
很久没有在电影院里看到这么精彩的电影了。在电影院里一面不敢看、一面又泪流满面地看不清,出了影院更是回味无穷。 丧失电影和灾难片最大的不同也许在于“有伤口即会传染”,然后传染人...
说起翻译的文体分类,法律翻译是我们最常提及的之一。那么,法律翻译到底包括哪些文件类型呢?一定会有佶屈聱牙的法律条款吗?其实不然,从广义上来说,法律翻译可分为以下几大类: 一、...
1. The first year associate's primary job is to clock billable hours. *primary [usually...
英美最常用的均为different from;different than在美国更常用,而different to在英国更常用。 在正式演讲和写作时,用different f...