自现象级英语 How to give advice without offence + my own highlights 同义替换:for a start, first, ...

自现象级英语 How to give advice without offence + my own highlights 同义替换:for a start, first, ...
Subject: Wow, who is the guy? Hello David, I am Liming in Beijing, China. Your cartoon ...
十月,我的学习内容有每日一词、每周一段、写作直播、Shoe Dog阅读、及北京的两次同城会。 收获与自我评价: 在每日一词养成了每日复盘(AAR)的习惯后,我通常会对当天学到...
仿写: An influential book "The Red Mashion" by Cao Xueqin argued that garden set up shoul...
其实我加入的比较晚,虽然还不足月,但是我也要复盘。 我学到的知识点: 1. 每日一词的解读及初期阶段想方设法地想运用到生活中。 我做到了60%的真正内化。 2. 每日一段参与...
These days have I introspected. Many problems emerged. My Master pulls me in soul while...
One month ago saw an astonishing pilgrimage in Asia Pacific area, of more than 100 Chin...
Dear Sir or Madam, I am Liming, a postgraduate at PeKing University school of Public He...
In Suzhou, today is a sunny day, but heavy mist in the morning as a hallmark. I took un...
Yesterday evening, evening of Thanksgiving Day, Justin shared with us how to write lett...