
阿姨笑着问我:“你爸最近怎么了哦 ,好像欠了人几百万?” 我苦笑。 说了也没人懂。 父亲坎坷懦怯的人生在近几年颇为淋漓。以前我没开窍,不懂他,现在懂了,也无力改变什么。总之他...
很多同学在学习英语的过程中 最容易碰到的一个问题就是: 明明句子中所有单词都认识, 但就是读不懂? 这就需要我们平时不断地 练习怎么使用这些单词了。 今天,我们就一起学习几个...
How many oceans are there? 到底有多少个大洋? A new ocean has appeared on the maps of the Nation...
By the time the plague had dissipated and Cambridge University had recommenced its teac...
“With climate change strengthening its grip on the planet, researchers are searching fo...
1. I used to think money is not important. 以前我觉得挣钱不重要 But now I realize. 现在才知道 the star...
780 Reaching Points 到达终点 Description:Given four integers sx, sy, tx, and ty, return tru...
Primary learners may behave inappropriately or seem to behave inappropriately because t...
词汇释义 furtive TEM8 GRE UK /ˈfɜː.tɪv/ US /ˈfɝː.t̬ɪv/ adj, If you describe someone's behav...
词汇释义 valiant TEM8 TEM4 GRE UK /ˈvæl.i.ənt/ US /ˈvæl.i.ənt/ adj, A valiant action is ve...
The rain is pouring down form the sky, hurting the delicate flowers.The results of Gaok...
follow Hong(1) I asked her if I could take the umbrella with her for I didn't bring one...
1. succeed 成功 If you wish to succeed. 如果你希望成功 You should use p...
one thing:coincidence When I studied in library and suddenly just looked up today after...
学校一般把英语作为一门学科,但英语是项技能。有不少老师说过,学英语是体力活。 A J Hoge 说英语对话像踢足球,要根据情况做出即时反应,现想是来不及的。球员的反应出于本能...
具有助动词作用,可以用来构成否定句,疑问句以及用于简单回答;-- Can you sing English songs?-- Yes, I can.-- Must I fin...
as 1.作为(最核心)2.像,如同 into 1.进入(通常与动态动词连用)(物理性进入)2.转变成(精神性进入)3.热衷于(身体性进入) like 1.像 ( be li...
1. A person who truly knows you , will not make you sad, if he do this, you will feel b...