fools garden的《lemon tree》,为什么这么好听? 其实这篇文章的题目应该是,在lemon tree这首歌上,让我感到的那种闪闪发光亮晶晶的特质,若即若离却...
fools garden的《lemon tree》,为什么这么好听? 其实这篇文章的题目应该是,在lemon tree这首歌上,让我感到的那种闪闪发光亮晶晶的特质,若即若离却...
语言点: 1. between jobs,between schools 没有工作,没有学上 2. draw a blank 断片了 3. buy out买下…的股权或产权 ...
语言点: 1. not so hot 不咋地 ※ 也可以表示对...不感兴趣 e.g. Barack...wasn't hot on the idea, either. ※ ...
语言点: 1. up to my ears 忙 swamp 2. 不舒服 my XX is killing me 我XX可疼了 as sick as a dog under ...
语言点: 1. 生气 in a snit get bent out of shape (鼻子都气歪了既视感) get under skin 让人生气 give sb an e...
语言点: 1. cut back on 节约开支 2. save a bundle 省下不少钱 ※ little bundle 小婴儿 3. belt-tightening ...
语言点: 1. short by 还差... e.g. we're short by 30. ※ 联想 shy of 不足[五道口] e.g. We are still tw...
语言点: 1. kick off (事件、比赛或讨论等)开始 The shows kick off on October 24th. ※ kick-off n. The ki...
语言点: 1. face the music 接受批评/惩罚 2. in deep trouble ※ in hot water,in deep shit 3. to the...
语言点 1. work out the kinks 解决问题(kink: 直线物体上的弯,结) iron out 2. fine-tune 微调 tinker with 小修...
语言点: 1. come up with a winner 想出一个好点子 2. blockbuster一鸣惊人的事物;(尤指)非常成功的书(或电影) 3. fast tra...
语言点: 1. Down on my luck 真倒霉!(What rotten luck! Just my luck!) 2. get laid off/sacked 被解...
语言点 1. get stuck in traffic (之前学的get held up) 2. Where are you headed?=Where are you go...
语言点: 1. What XX do you have in mind? 你想要个什么样的XX? (联想※ What are you looking for in XX?你希...
语言点: 1. out of this world 此物只应天上有! △ My mom's apple pie isout of this world. ※ 临走夸饭...
语言点 1. hold相关 get held up/ stuck 被耽搁 △ We got held up in a meeting. 联想※ 之前学的hold-up...
语言点 1. 店员问你是否需要帮助,不要直接拒绝说No, I don't need your help 可以说I'm good. I'm just browsing/lo...
语言点: 1. off the top of my head 直接从脑袋瓜子里蹦出来 △ That rhyme just came rightoffthetopofmyh...
语言点 1. What can I get for you? 客官来点啥? 2. meal (deal),combo 套餐 3. I'm going to pass on t...