我在今天的零点三十分再次阅读完了窗边的小豆豆,童年时我最爱的书籍之一。为了防止思绪偷偷溜走,为了抓住它的尾巴,我坐下来书写我的即时读后感。 对于十几年前还太过年幼的我来说,巴...

我在今天的零点三十分再次阅读完了窗边的小豆豆,童年时我最爱的书籍之一。为了防止思绪偷偷溜走,为了抓住它的尾巴,我坐下来书写我的即时读后感。 对于十几年前还太过年幼的我来说,巴...
Up till now, none of my dreams had its own post because they all happened a very long t...
I started to have dreams about my boyfriend one year or two years after we have been to...
In recent years I have had more peculiar dreams, very intriguing ones, such as being tr...
I originally planned to put these two dreams together with the ghosts. However, that po...
It is very curious for me to have dreams about ghosts, while being terrified by them in...
Though most of the time I have different dreams in different nights and even in the sam...
The thought or the idea of recording dreams came to me a long long time ago. Ever since...
The prefix 're' here represents 'recording' as opposed to 'remember' for the label Re-D...
公司分配的电脑 C 盘往往很小,或者是随着软件越装越多、资料越来越丰富,电脑的某个盘的空间会不够用,真的是好头疼,特别是 C 盘爆满的时候,一动鼠标就卡死。 难道要重装系统?...