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  • Chapter20 The End of Homo Sapiens

    But at the dawn of the twenty-first century, this is no longer true; Homo sapiens is tr...

  • Chapter19 And They Lived Happily Ever After

    So far we have discussed happiness as if were largely a product of material factors, su...

  • Chapter18 A Permanent Revolution

    As humans use their power to counter the focus of nature and subjugate the ecosystems t...

  • Chapter17 The Wheels of Industry

    The modern economy grows thanks to our trust in the future and to the willingness of ca...

  • Chapter16 The Capitalist Creed

    Money has been essential both for building empires and for promoting science. But is mo...

  • Chapter15 The Marriage of Science and Empire

    啊~一开始的好多问题也是以前不明白也没有细思过的问题~ More importantly, if in 1770 Europeans had no significant t...

  • Chapter 14 The Discovery of Ignorance

    Why did modern humans develop a growing belief in their ability to obtain new powers th...

  • 批判性思维;带你走出思维误区 Chapter 1批判性思维基础

    当情绪、偏见或不好的主意占据主导地位的时候,理性就不起作用了。 由于思想决定行动,我们如何考量自己的思想和观念往往就决定了我们的行动是否明智。 率先掌握这些技能就能使你脱颖而...

  • Chapter 13 The Secret of Success

    Look at the bigger picture, though, the transition from many small cultures to a few la...

  • Chapter11 Imperial Visions

    It's not our kind of story. We like to see underdogs win. But there is no.justic in his...

  • Chapter 10 The Scent of Money

    I would like to share some views from the author; Ideal types of money enable people no...

  • chapter 9 The Arrow of History

    After the agricultural revolution, human societies grew ever larger and more complex, w...