2020-04-13参考文献:A Cellular Taxonomy of the Bone Marrow Stroma in Homeostasis and Leukemi...
2020-04-13参考文献:A Cellular Taxonomy of the Bone Marrow Stroma in Homeostasis and Leukemi...
试剂 实验步骤 1.合成Nestin干扰序列 2.干扰序列退火 将正反向干扰序列以10μM浓度溶于ddH2O,按以下体系将正反向干扰序列退火形成双链粘末端DNA:10 μL ...
一、CXCL12-producing vascular endothelial niches control acute T cell leukemia maintenan...
一、The bone marrow niche for haematopoietic stem cells 1、(P4) These studies suggested th...
ggplot 如何查看每列的非重复值及每个值的重复次数 入门级绘图模板 ggplot(data = ) +<GEOM_FUNCTION>(mapping = aes( ))
分割线 表头1表头2内容1内容2
GEO Platform (GPL) 芯片平台 GEO Sample (GSM) 样本ID号 GEO Series (GSE) study的ID号 GEO Dataset (...