240 发简信
  • 英语文献(一)

    (potential) risk factors 危险因素(影响因素常用这个)+for 反义词是 protective factors mount an internatio...

  • 跟汤坤老师学地道美语笔记(6)

    1.This is he. 准是他 2.Don't get me wrong. 别误会我 3.Move,plz. 请让一下(但是这个句子不是那么友好) excuse me =...

  • 跟汤坤老师学地道美语笔记(5)

    1.give sb his walking ticket 叫。。。卷铺盖走人(fire sb) That's the ticket! 好主意,正合适 2.小便 to urin...

  • 跟汤坤老师学地道美语笔记(4)

    1.I am seeing someone. 和。。。约会(date sb) I don't mean to come up to you. 我不是有意要吃你豆腐的(come...

  • 跟汤坤老师学地道美语笔记(3)

    1.He is an affluent 2nd generation 他是个富二代。 The rapidly expanding affluent 2nd generatio...

  • 跟汤坤老师学地道美语笔记(2)

    1.You never know.谁也说不准。 2.Look out! 小心! 3.You don't say! 是吗! 4.Let's talk over dinner(l...

  • 跟汤坤老师学地道美语笔记(1)

    1.Shameless! 不要脸 =She has no shame! (What a shame!多可惜,多遗憾~) 2.Don't play dumb! 别装傻 3.Yo...

  • Young Sheldon S02E06

    1.roll the clip 播放视频剪辑 roll the video 播放视频 1.have a flair for the creative arts flair 天...

  • Young Sheldon S02E05

    1.You got a minute? 你有时间吗? 2.Kids are pitching in. pitch in 做贡献;投入 3.comb one's hair 梳头...

  • Young Sheldon S02E04

    1.food drive 食物募捐活动 2.Hush.安静;别说话 3.Look in the drawer by the refrigerator. by 在。。。旁边 4...

  • Young Sheldon S02E03

    1.that's adorable.好可爱。 2.A is synonym for B A是B的同义词 3.he's grabbing at straws now. 他在垂死...

  • Young Sheldon S02E02

    1.Previously on Young Sheldon... 少年谢尔顿的前情提要 2.audit one's course 旁听。。。的课程 3.There was s...

  • python学习1

    Use print to display strings to the console 两个基本概念: Function 函数。例如print(“hello world”) ...