令人胆寒,让人顿悟的“熵增理论” 生命是什么? 生命的敌人是什么? 人类的未来会怎样? 为什么时间有方向? 若想造出人工智能生命,需要具备什么能力? 信息究竟有多重要? 为什...
令人胆寒,让人顿悟的“熵增理论” 生命是什么? 生命的敌人是什么? 人类的未来会怎样? 为什么时间有方向? 若想造出人工智能生命,需要具备什么能力? 信息究竟有多重要? 为什...
英语流利说懂你英语 Level4 Unit3 Part3 Listening-Honey Bee PollinationHoney bees play an interesting and important role in nature. In addition to making hone...
英语流利说懂你英语 Level5 Unit3 Part2 Listening - The Circulatory system 1A flow chart, like this one, shows how a process begins and ends, and the steps in betw...
视频连接OPC UA in 60 Seconds(720p) What is OPC UA? OPCUA is a multiplatform plug & play inf...
作为一个资深的英语爱好者,每次都会被朋友们问到这个问题。怎样学好英语? 经过自己近十多年的英语学习,作为英语专业的毕业生,我想把自己的一些学习心得分享给大家,希望能够帮助...
有道-励志集-视频 Why are successful people waking up at 4:00am. 为什么成功的人都在凌晨4点起床呢 and not at a ...
写作目的 之所以开始写这几篇随笔,主要的契机有两个: 一个是我在6月份因公事出差,和几个同事一起去了一个自己曾经工作过的城市。故地重游,自己曾经的记忆被稍稍唤醒,有种奇特的感...
作者:Ruqiu (秋之韵) 为何要把明天过成意外 作者:Ruqiu(秋之韵) 因为嗜睡,我又一次走进医院求助医生,虽然知道这并没多少效果,可是这犯困...
@Outcastle 谢谢,原来是镜面反光太阳镜。Mirrored sunglasses
Mirrored sunglasses are sunglasses with a reflective optical coating (called a mirror coating or flash coating) on the outside of the lenses to make them appear like small mirrors. The lenses typically give the wearer's vision a brown or grey tint. The mirror coating decreases the amount of light passing through the tinted lens by a further 10–60%, making it especially useful for conditions of sand, water, snow, and higher altitudes. Mirrored sunglasses are one-way mirrors.
英语流利说懂你英语 Level6 Unit3 Part3 Listening - Prison Experiment 1In 1971, psychologists created one of the most important experiments in the history of ...
@Outcastle 应该也可以是过去式的缩写吧,如果非要说是过去式的话
英语流利说懂你英语 Level6 Unit3 Part1 Dialogue - Presentation & FeedbackWell, what do you think of my presentation? Do you want me to be frank? I know you work...
英语流利说懂你英语 Level6 Unit3 Part2 Dialogue - Raising KidsYou know, my husband and I are having a terrific fight over how to raise our son. What ...
what he is interested taking in 应该是where his interests take him
英语流利说懂你英语 Level4 Unit3 Part2 Dialogue-Election & VotingHey, have you decided how you're going to vote? No, I haven't. I don't like any of the ...
英语流利说懂你英语 Level6 Unit2 Part4 Dialogue - John's ResignationSo what is it that you wanted to see me about, John? I thought it would be good for us ...
writhe up 是不是应该是write up