令人胆寒,让人顿悟的“熵增理论” 生命是什么? 生命的敌人是什么? 人类的未来会怎样? 为什么时间有方向? 若想造出人工智能生命,需要具备什么能...
视频连接OPC UA in 60 Seconds(720p) What is OPC UA? OPCUA is a multiplatform ...
有道-励志集-视频 Why are successful people waking up at 4:00am. 为什么成功的人都在凌晨4点起床...
What do you want to wear? 你想要穿什么呢? Choose what you want to wear. 挑一件你想穿的...
Daddy is going to work. 爸爸要去上班了。 Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye. 爸爸要出门了,说...
I have to pee. 我要去尿尿。 I have to poop. 我要去便便。 I'm about to poop. 我快要啦出来了。...
Don't be picky with your food. 不要挑食。 Don't walk around while you eat. 吃饭...
It's time for breakfast. 该吃早餐了。 Come and eat your breakfast. 来吃早餐吧。 Sit ...
You should brush your teeth three times a day. 一天要刷三次牙。 Brush your teeth...