240 发简信
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    Random thought

    Have been thinking about what university meant to me. Technically, it turned me into an...

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    Being Mortal

    Is living long enough the single most important element for the human beings if other t...

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    Elon Musk: Inventing in the future

    Elon Musk, A man with great vision. Guess many have heard of Tesla. While Tesla is grad...

  • 欧洲的青旅也很棒,在欧洲自己背包旅游了很多地方觉得青旅比酒店有趣多了,可以和好多不同地方的人聊天


    腰娆原创 1/ 在很多人的固有观念里,青旅=脏、乱、差。 就如同有人告诉你,新疆很乱,藏民不好。 听起来没有错,因为,这可能是他的经历所致。 但是,他去过新疆几次?去的是什么...

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    Animal Farm

    What an ironic story...There is no lack of examples of such in reality. A short summary...

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    The outliers: the story of success

    A brief introduction of the book. As implied in the title of the books, it's about a ne...

  • 整个大学忙个不停,即使是实习最忙只能睡四小时的时候,我一样会迷茫,迷茫自己是否做出了对的选择:自己想要怎样的人生,怎样的工作,真正想要什么, 现在在做的是否真的是自己喜欢的,人生的意义在于什么....就算多忙,也有闲下来的一小刻,而平时越是忙得没空思考,那一小刻就会更加迷茫,或许迷茫是每个人都会有的吧,不是每一个人都那么幸运能做自己真心热爱的事情,不是每一个人都能容易找到属于自己路和方向,也正因为此,我们也不是那么容易能摆脱迷茫


    ❤ 迷茫百度上解释有二,其一就是生活或工作不知道该如何进展,没有方向感,前方道路虚无缥缈。而我的定义——迷茫就是很闲,我所说的闲还是自定义的自娱自乐的闲。 越是觉得清闲的生活...

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    我们必须踏上这样的道路,因为生命何其短暂,而在这短短的余生里自己究竟要成就什么,是需要我们反思的。 精要主义是什么?它不只是一种思维方式,更是一种生活方式,关于你如何能过一种...

  • 是什么样的经历造就了今天的你

    《白夜行》里有一句话:永远不要先入为主。这是一个办案老警官说的,对我很有触动。为什么呢?因为我一直对悬疑存有偏见,感觉都是大路货,但是看完《白夜行》之后,偏见就消失了。 日本...

  • But the thing is that we never know if we like a job without trying it. I always feel like the education system nowadays is way too realistic. Instead of guiding us to what we are really passionate about, we are told to be excel in all the subjects for a place in a university with high rankings. It is as if our life goal is to go to a good university and get a decent job after graduation. Of course it is more than that. However, after years of doing what we are asked to do, for instance, performing good academically, many of us lost our passion and interests...For me, I can't think of anything that lies between the things I like,e.g. reading and things that I can earn a living for. So I guess I will just try working as an auditor in big four accounting firm for a while and see whether I really don't like it(seems to be a nice job for many but I don't like it for now ) if it's the case, I think I will be like the person described in your article, quit the job and look for something else that I'm passionate about, which is also sth that I can utilise my expertise

    Find a job connected to your major

    I always consider what I want to do in the future. Doing what I don't like, but it can ...

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    “因为我没有环境,所以学不好英语,如果我有机会出国一定能学好英语的,毕竟生活就会用到” ”他的英语这么好,肯定是天天和歪果人在一起,我要是有这样的环境肯定也能学好“ 小编很...
