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    今天读到了Chips回忆往昔,我觉得光是内容提要就已经写的特别打动我了。 “凯瑟琳的劝告,契普斯十有八九都听,偶尔不听,过后也多半懊悔”。突然就想到以前家中老人们经常告诫,我...

  • 2018-11-13

    Goodbye, Mr. Chips Good morning, Mr. chips(早起,精读) DAY1. 第一章: Whenyou are getting on in ...

  • 总结的好好

    Good-bye, Mr. Chips 晨读笔记

    十一月晨读Good-bye, Mr. Chips,通过精读文学作品,积累实用表达。这次的晨读笔记,我打算每天总结五个最重要或我最想记住的语言点。虽然不多,但要彻底内化。Exc...

  • 120
    Good-bye, Mr. Chips 晨读笔记

    十一月晨读Good-bye, Mr. Chips,通过精读文学作品,积累实用表达。这次的晨读笔记,我打算每天总结五个最重要或我最想记住的语言点。虽然不多,但要彻底内化。Exc...

  • 喜欢的句子

    Win, lose or draw, but do me a favor, don't die not trying. Take up a firm attitude fro...

  • 2018-11-02

    appeal apple to sb. 翻译:The economist appealed to many students who want to improve thei...

  • Day25 gauge

    我们不能只用财富或者知名度来评估一个人成功与否。 翻译:Whether a persson is successful shouldn't be gauged by weal...

  • Day 25 leave

    那部电影的结局让无数观众潸然泪下。 翻译:That film's ending left countless audiences in tears. 场景:战争导致了这个国家...

  • Day24 factor in

    经验丰富的写作者总会考虑写作目的和读者群体。 翻译:Experienced writers always factor in the purpose of writing a...

  • 2018-10-16

    Day 22 enable 翻译:雅思考试可以让考生知道他们的英语水平。 IELTS enables examinees to realize their English l...

  • 2018-10-15

    十月晨读(The Crack of Dawn) Day1. 十月晨读学习的目的:1.读懂经典演讲,2.赏析背诵材料,3.学习语言(附带) 10.15学习的段落:I am ha...

  • 2018-10-15

    Day 21 justify 翻译:他的决定从经济上完全可以理解,但从道德上很难成立。 His decision justified in economical, but n...

  • 2018-10-12

    Day 20 prevail 翻译:尽管困难重重,真爱会战胜一切。Although full of difficulties, ture love will prevail ...

  • 2018-10-11

    Day 19 translate 翻译:能够流利的说一门外语,就意味着在工作中有优势。Speaking a foreign language fluently transla...

  • 2018-10-10

    Day18 boast 翻译:This coffe shop boasts the best latte in this city. 场景:内蒙古有全国最大的草原,最干净的空...

  • 2018-10-09

    Day17 loom 翻译句子:人们开始担心人工只能的发展。 The development of Artificial Intelligence Looms large ...

  • Day12 last

    Life is full of up and down, nothing would last. 场景:困难不会持续,此刻的困难也许是下一秒的财富 造句:Trouble wi...

  • Day 12 outlive

    This traditional method has outlived its usefuless. 场景:这家公司的制度已经对我没有用了,因为我上个月离职了。 造句:Th...