朋友们好,我是唐唐,今天说说电影《末代皇帝》 如果你没看过外面的世界, 如何应对万变的世界? 究竟是历史的变迁,决定了人的命运, 还是关键人物的选择,改变了历史? 读了《看了...

朋友们好,我是唐唐,今天说说电影《末代皇帝》 如果你没看过外面的世界, 如何应对万变的世界? 究竟是历史的变迁,决定了人的命运, 还是关键人物的选择,改变了历史? 读了《看了...
让所有人都满意,你就失去了自己 世界上有一种人,无论他们多忙, 只要对方邀请或提出请求, 即便这会给自己带来高昂的成本和不愉快, 他们都毫无原则照单全收。 而在违心的委屈自己...
年少时候读《一个陌生女人的来信》感受是什么,已有些记不清。 爱情这件事,我一直是输家。 15 年过去了,今天早上起床,有点饿但是不想动,无精打采窝在懒人沙发里,想起这本书,搜...
不读书的人生,有多可怕?恐怕是一直生活在艰难之中,今天唐唐给大家,分享好书《麦肯锡精英高效阅读法》,带你高效阅读好书。 本书作者赤羽雄二,曾在麦肯锡工作14年,还创办了韩国麦...
生活是一场智慧的较量。 无论我们想要获得什么结果, 平静或轰轰烈烈, 都需要通过一定的思考才能获得。 知己知彼百战不殆,今天解读「孙子兵法」 带你了解如何做选择,以及获得你想...
o刘容liurong 我的职位也算是 BD,负责公司市场推广工作,可以说和人打交道,是我的日常,大家认为,这也是我擅长的事情。 仔细回想,我也没有什么过人之处,但是我和任何人...
When can I see you missing? 何时才能见到想念的你
Love Is Blind 爱是盲目的
If we don't respect the past, it'll be harder to build our future. 如果我们不尊重过去,就更难创造未来。
The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end that's all there is. 人生...
Life's altered you, as it's altered me. And what would be the point of living if we did...
Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it. Every ship is unsinkable until i...
You have met so many people, no one can really touch your heart. However, one day, when...
I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying 生命可以归结为一种简单...
The heaven is but one remove from the hell, love stands between them. 天堂与地狱的一线之隔,原来是爱。
A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes th...
Whatever the future brings, you are my light. 不管未来如何,你都是我的光。
Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward time just to see if in the end it’s all wort...
A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes th...
If two people are destined to be together, they will eventually find a way to relive th...