You have met so many people, no one can really touch your heart. However, one day, when...

You have met so many people, no one can really touch your heart. However, one day, when...
Whatever the future brings, you are my light. 不管未来如何,你都是我的光。
Every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften...
2019 年 2 月 9 日,深圳,天气晴。 待不腻的城市,爱不腻的人,你有吗? ——画后故事 今天是大年初五,没有出行计划,做好午餐,陪家人吃完,去到房间坐在地垫上画画。 ...
Nothing in this world that’s worth having comes easy. 这世界上凡是值得拥有的东西,都不易获得。
最近,一篇名为《摩拜创始人胡玮炜套现15亿:你的同龄人正在抛弃你》的文章在微信朋友圈中广泛传播。 文章举了日前摩拜单车被收购,创始人胡玮炜创业3年套现15亿的例子。 称在80...