那铃声 “铃、铃、铃,铃声响起来,我心跳起来……” 不知何时起,我习惯了听到它,学校里那定时响起的铃声。只是习惯,谈不上喜欢。 外师的五个年头里,每天我都能听到它。其... 骑士战风车 779 1 2 1
“铃、铃、铃,铃声响起来,我心跳起来……” 不知何时起,我习惯了听到它,学校里那定时响起的铃声。只是习惯,谈不上喜欢。 外师的五个年头里,每天我都能听到它。其...
really too much.
So much So much depends On an empty head That is filled with so many -isms. So much burdens two... 骑士战风车 417 1 1
So much depends On an empty head That is filled with so many -isms. So much burdens two...
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