Good evening! I know you are busy preparing for your exam week, but as y...

Good evening! I know you are busy preparing for your exam week, but as y...
As the shopping habits of customers have changed, more brands are openin...
It may be tears of lovers But also dewdrops on clovers It may be a sweet...
l'm in the place full of hookers 、losers、liars Pathetic、disgusting Treat...
PLANET EARTH Caves They named the cave** 'Lechuguilla' **(墨西哥龙舌兰)and sin...
studio 除了指工作室,还表示工作室型的公寓,通常在十几平米到三十平米左右,带有厨卫书桌等设施,通常可供1-2人居住。 bass,贝斯,乐...
英文中文英文中文Key bindings按键(设置)←这个是系统自动的,没有其他的选项Graphics图像(这里没有使用Images是因为所有的...
最近迷上了玩游戏。 我人生第一款游戏。 被安利纯粹是因为,介绍的人告诉我,这个游戏有英文版的,翻译的很不错。 后来,我入股了这个游戏,游戏的翻译...
台词分享: ①Arrogance makes others unable to love me, and prejudice makes me ...