The teachers are very very professional and native.they help us to know some profession...

The teachers are very very professional and native.they help us to know some profession...
从愈渐愈冷的天气,想到了寒风中深秋的颜色,想到了落叶,想到了菊花,想到了秋天的植物与国庆期间花卉市场购买的盆栽与小金鱼们,又想到与学生每年一度的叶贴画… 从美好的国庆节假期,...
鼠年里,我们默默耕耘,牛气冲天! 互加计划N师学院学习小结 学员:N3106陕西西安宋军良 一、有缘沪江 2019年暑期上海行,在同伴带领下,有幸参观了沪江集团,倾听了互加计...
I glanced at my clock and found that it’s 10:33 now . I finished reciting my English...
Today ,I will try to use English to write something to record my life.What bothers me m...
How to stick to one thing? Which thing is the longest you keep on. Maybe it's Running? ...
I am still writing something today , just for fun and finishing my daily task . L...
Today is May 29th , 2 days later , we will continue our life in July . I want to enj...
Sometimes I am still short of motivation to get down to study, although I am passionate...