She has a soft spot for children. 造句: The scientists have a soft spot for authority.
She has a soft spot for children. 造句: The scientists have a soft spot for authority.
很多 CEO 希望能够找到解决企业所有问题的万能药。 Many CEOs hope they can find the panacea for all the company...
Tencent and Alibaba hold much sway in Chinese commerce. 造句: The information from social...
中国经济正在经历从劳动密集型向智力密集型的转变。 China is experiencing a shift from a labor-intensive economy ...
他没有胆量,在最后一刻放弃了奖学金申请。 He didn’t have the backbone and gave up application for scholarshi...
创业公司的精髓是快速增长(可规模化)。 The essence of company is rapidly growth. 造句: The essence of colleg...
—— something that gives you an advantage over others 1. 搭配 competitive edge 竞争优势 slight...
人们往往会被广告所影响,购买很多根本不需要的东西。 People tend to be swayed by advertisements and buy lots of th...
崔永元的激进行为和大胆评论招致了不少麻烦。 Cui Yongyuan’s aggressive behaviors and brave comments have invit...
那部电影的结局让无数观众潸然泪下。 The end of that movie leaves lots of audiences filled with tears. 场景:...
经验丰富的写作者总会考虑到写作目的和读者群体。 The experienced author always factor in the writing purposes an...
三里屯以大量的潮牌和西餐厅著称。 A lot of fashion shops and western restaurants characterize Sanlitun. ...
雅思考试可以让考生知道他们的英语水平如何。 IELTS enables students to know their English proficiency. Social ...
他的决定从经济上完全可以理解,但从道德上很难成立。 His decision can be justified well on economy but not ethical...
尽管困难重重,真爱总是可以战胜一切。 Despite lots of difficulties, true love always prevail over everythi...
能够流利地说一门外语,就意味着在工作中有优势。 Speaking a foreign language frequently translates into an advan...
这家咖啡馆有这个城市最好的拿铁咖啡。 The cafe boasts the best latte in this city. 场景: 文化 造句: China boasts...
人们开始担心人工智能的发展。 People’s concern of the development of AI has loomed. 场景: 环境 造句: The thr...
老问题一直都存在,新问题也开始暴露出来。 Old problems always exist, new problems also emerges. 场景:谈论任何话题会出现...