240 发简信
  • soft spot

    She has a soft spot for children. 造句: The scientists have a soft spot fo...

  • panacea

    很多 CEO 希望能够找到解决企业所有问题的万能药。 Many CEOs hope they can find the panacea for ...

  • sway

    Tencent and Alibaba hold much sway in Chinese commerce. 造句: The informat...

  • shift

    中国经济正在经历从劳动密集型向智力密集型的转变。 China is experiencing a shift from a labor-int...

  • backbone

    他没有胆量,在最后一刻放弃了奖学金申请。 He didn’t have the backbone and gave up application...

  • essence

    创业公司的精髓是快速增长(可规模化)。 The essence of company is rapidly growth. 造句: The es...

  • edge

    —— something that gives you an advantage over others 1. 搭配 competitive e...

  • sway

    人们往往会被广告所影响,购买很多根本不需要的东西。 People tend to be swayed by advertisements and...

  • 2018-10-23

    崔永元的激进行为和大胆评论招致了不少麻烦。 Cui Yongyuan’s aggressive behaviors and brave comm...