1三体 2时间简史 3昆虫记 因为知道三体是科幻小说,里面有些概念是真实的,肯定也有些是虚构的,所以想知道哪些虚构的概念在未来可以实现。碰巧看到时间简史这本书,在史蒂芬. 霍...
1三体 2时间简史 3昆虫记 因为知道三体是科幻小说,里面有些概念是真实的,肯定也有些是虚构的,所以想知道哪些虚构的概念在未来可以实现。碰巧看到时间简史这本书,在史蒂芬. 霍...
I have a best friend. That best friend is me! I do fun things with me. I draw beautiful...
Harris is going out. “Will you be good, George?” asks Harris. “Yes,” says George. “I’ll...
When the day is done, and sleep draws near, when the moon’s aglow and stars appear… I’l...
There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And in that house there ...
This hat is not mine. I just stole it. I stole it from a big fish. He was asleep when I...
It’s late in November, The blue sky is clear, and Thanksgiving Day is finally here. Thi...
I learned to walk from my friend the cat. I learned to jump from my friend the dog. I l...
It was a bad day… Little yellow bird lost his favorite tail feather. Little white dog g...
The sheep in the meadow loved to play together all day long. But Marvin was feeling rat...
David’s teacher always said… NO,DAVID! No yelling. No pushing. No running in the halls....
George’s mother said:“Bark, George.” George went:“ Meow.” “No,George,” said George’s mo...
LUNCH? Here comes Pete! It is lunchtime. Pete is ready to eat. What should Pete eat? A ...
Once there were three baby owls: Sarah and Percy and Bill. They lived in a hole in the ...
The thing about the Hueys… …was that they were all the same. There were many, many of t...
This is me and this is what I like: Painting…And riding my bike. Playing with toys, And...
I’m as quick as a cricket, I’m as slow as a snail, I’m as small as an ant, I’m as large...
Handa put seven delicious fruits in a basket for her friend, Akeyo. She will be surpris...
Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you see? I see a red bird looking at me. Red Bird, Red ...
Sam went for a walk. Jeremy came by on his new bicycle. “Look what I’ve got!” said Jere...