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  • 我的2016读书笔记简述

    1三体 2时间简史 3昆虫记 因为知道三体是科幻小说,里面有些概念是真实的,肯定也有些是虚构的,所以想知道哪些虚构的概念在未来可以实现。碰巧看到...

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    026 I like me

    I have a best friend. That best friend is me! I do fun things with me. I...

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    025 Oh No. George!

    Harris is going out. “Will you be good, George?” asks Harris. “Yes,” say...

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    024 My little Star

    When the day is done, and sleep draws near, when the moon’s aglow and st...

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    023The Napping House

    There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And in th...

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    022 This is not my hat

    This hat is not mine. I just stole it. I stole it from a big fish. He wa...

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    021 The Best Thanksgiving Ever!

    It’s late in November, The blue sky is clear, and Thanksgiving Day is fi...

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    020 My Friends

    I learned to walk from my friend the cat. I learned to jump from my frie...

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    019 A Good Day

    It was a bad day… Little yellow bird lost his favorite tail feather. Lit...