文/韩大爷的杂货铺 1. 读中学的时候,我有一阶段寄宿在数学老师家里。 我的数学成绩中等偏上,但相比于其他科目,明显是短板。 享受不到由擅长带来的掌控感,又屡屡得不到正反馈,...
文/韩大爷的杂货铺 1. 读中学的时候,我有一阶段寄宿在数学老师家里。 我的数学成绩中等偏上,但相比于其他科目,明显是短板。 享受不到由擅长带来的掌控感,又屡屡得不到正反馈,...
亚洲是我们共同的家园,亚洲的和平、稳定、发展关系到亚洲各国人民的共同命运。 Asia is our common homeland and the the peace,sta...
Before you write off translation services as an unsexy business, consider our global ec...
She said the BBC was facing a "crisis of trust", after it was revealed two-thirds of it...
From his reply, one can gauge Macron's familiarity with Chinese philosophy as well as h...
低碳生活 low-carbon life Nowadays with the rapid social and economic development (our so...
1.Scientific-unit revamp 科学单位重新定义 After decades of work, the redefinition of four units...
1. spur job creation 增加就业机会 本来指刺激啦,现在用来形容增加,用的棒棒哒 2.develop in top gear 高速发展 高速就不要一直用r...
More and more people are taking up e-learning as a way of saving time and being flexibl...
A year-end bonus is a sum of money paid to employees at the end of the year. It is inte...
2017 was very much the year where every business sector woke up to the potential impact...
A new report just released by the Authors Guild on working conditions for translators i...