什么是 URI A web address is also called a URI for uniform Resource identifier. 它告诉我们去哪个网页。...

什么是 URI A web address is also called a URI for uniform Resource identifier. 它告诉我们去哪个网页。...
在使用vscode写latex的过程中碰到一个问题。在tex文件中如果输入中文的话,会是乱码。(实际显示的应该是周报两个字) 这个是因为我打开了vscode的自动识别编码设置...
坚持一年跑步和读书我悟出了明天就是我坚持跑步和读书一年了,要说我是怎么开始跑步和看书的,这中间很长和很痛苦的故事。 以前我本来是个爱在寝室刷剧和看综艺节目,从来不看书和写作的人,每天过的无...
【交笔友】不爱洗澡的社交恐惧者想交个笔友洗澡对我来说实在是一件浪费时间的事情,能托久一点就托久一点。 年龄:29,未婚,受家庭影响,对于结婚生子这种事情很抵触,那种生活让人无力,也是目前面临的最大压力,想逃离,又没...
AUD auditor auditory audition inaudible SON sonic dissonant resonance ultrasonic
PLE/PLEM PLE/PLEM comes from a Latin word meaning "to fill". complement deplete replete...
EQU EQU comes from the Latin word aequus, meaning "equal." equable 有点中庸的味道 adequacy equ...
EU EU comes from the Greek word for "well"; in English words it can also mean "good" or...
ORTHO ORTHO comes from orthos, the Greek word for "straight", "right," or "true." ortho...
PROT/PROTO PROT/PROTO comes from Greek and has the basic meaning "first in time" or "fi...
MAL MAL comes from a Latin word meaning "bad". malicious CATA CATA comes from Greek kat...
FLECT FLECT comes from flectere, the Latin verb meaning "to bend." deflect: to turn asi...
CURR/CURS CURR/CURS comes from currere, the Latin verb meaning "to run". concurrent cur...
CRED CRED comes from credere, the Latin verb meaning "to believe" or "to entrust".比如cre...