什么是 URI A web address is also called a URI for uniform Resource identifi...
在使用vscode写latex的过程中碰到一个问题。在tex文件中如果输入中文的话,会是乱码。(实际显示的应该是周报两个字) 这个是因为我打开了...
AUD auditor auditory audition inaudible SON sonic dissonant resonance ul...
PLE/PLEM PLE/PLEM comes from a Latin word meaning "to fill". complement ...
EQU EQU comes from the Latin word aequus, meaning "equal." equable 有点中庸的...
EU EU comes from the Greek word for "well"; in English words it can also...
ORTHO ORTHO comes from orthos, the Greek word for "straight", "right," o...
PROT/PROTO PROT/PROTO comes from Greek and has the basic meaning "first ...