练习材料: [Day 1628 2019-03-12] L30-2:The death of a ghost Eric had been the eldest son of ...

练习材料: [Day 1628 2019-03-12] L30-2:The death of a ghost Eric had been the eldest son of ...
练习材料: L16-2:Mary had a little lamb After telling several of his friends about the theft...
练习材料: Lesson88 Trapped in a mine Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hour...
任务配置:l0+4 练习感悟:今天见鬼了,总是读不顺,单单是第一话最后一个bulletin就重复练习半小时前,更不要说整体文章的人名和生词了。 越练状态越差,孩子也在闹,于是...
练习材料: Lesson65 Jumbo versus the police Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, d...
任务配置lo+4 Helen:platform 中form建议比对原音,actually 中tu建议再练习 David@[00]何丹_四川_教育 同学,你好!刚才听了你的朗读...
练习材料: Lesson57Can I help you, madam? A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensi...
练习材料: Lesson46 Expensive and uncomfortable When a plane from London arrived at Sydney a...
练习材料: Lesson41 Do you call that a hat? 'Do you call that a hat?' I said to my wife. duː...