语言知识: 话题一:爽约的几种表达: 1. You stood me up. 2. You didn’t show up. 3. There are a lot of no-...
1月晨读笔记 话题一:爽约的几种表达: 1. You stood me up. 2. You didn’t show up. 3. There are a lot of no...
学到的表达 1. Graduate 可以指毕业,he graduated from Harvard university. 还可以指毕业生,研究生。He is a fresh...
今天学习娱乐频道“播音腔” 地道表达 1. 关于stay stay tuned\tune in 看电视听广播插播广告时就会说stay tuned; stay hungry\f...
今天学的是[s]、[z] 一些地道的表达 1. 理智些 Be sensible, Sweetie. It’s too expensive. 还可以用wise up, try...
话题一:爽约 三“责问”两“抱怨” 责问1:What happened yesterday? I waited and waited for you. You forgot ...
加拿大大鹅羽绒服备受追捧。 Canada goose down jackets are one of the most sought-after clothing in th...
这个解决方案理论上来说非常可取,不过实际操作起来困难重重。 The solution is extremely addictive desirable in theory b...