051/365#BDE#每日一句#2018-02-19 A correct concept of value resolves it if yo...
050/365#BDE#每日一句#2018-02-18 Close your eyes to old ends and open your he...
733/3650头哥加油站20180218 人生总有很多左右为难的事,如果你在做与不做之间纠结,那么,不要反复分析推演,立即去做。因为如果不做,...
732/3650【头哥加油站·头头是道】20180217 雄心是成功路上的指南,信心是永不放弃的召唤,热心是成功者的胸怀,耐心是驱赶困难的利剑,...
049/365#BDE#每日一句#2018-02-17 The minute you think of giving up, think of ...
048/365#BDE#每日一句#2018-02-16 An optimist stays up until midnight to see t...
730/3650 【头哥加油站·头头是道】20180215 聪明人未必幸福,但智慧的人会看到幸福; 灵巧者未必幸福,但豁达的人会找到幸福。 幸福...
047/365#BDE#每日一句#2018-02-15 You have to be empty in order to be full. 清空...
046/365#BDE#每日一句#20180214 We shouldn’t blame, laugh at and envy anyone. ...