用blast进行短序列(20nt左右)的搜索一句话概括就是:blastn多加上-task blastn-short -word_size 7 -evalue 1就ok了。 这段时间用blastn比较多,所以遇到这个问题...
一文看懂三代组装软件——Flye作者:童蒙编辑:angelica 一、介绍 Flye是用于单分子组装数据的denovo基因组装的软件。这个软件可以用于各种数据集,从小的细菌到大的哺乳动物。 输入是原始的Pa...
@黄甫一 好的,谢谢你的答复
跨物种同源基因转换(biomaRt和homologene)2022-06-17适用背景 当我们进行跨物种比较分析时会发现基因名对不上,或者找不到基因,这时候就需要进行物种间的同源基因转换。最常用的工具就是Ensembl的biomaRt,另外还查到NCB...
@黄甫一谢谢您的回答。想让您帮我看一下文章了里面写到了,对于解决one to many和many to many问题的方法,建立了元基因这个是怎么做的,原文如下:
Ortholog gene selection
To compare transcription between species, we first created a gene ortholog table using the mouse genome as the reference gene list. We performed gene homology search, using ensemble multiple species comparison tool (http://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/42ddd77f8b0f4aae7d9eefe32cc4518c). Each species was compared to mouse and a high-quality ortholog genes list was extracted (gene order conservation score above 75, whole genome alignment score above 75 and minimum sequence identity above 80%). To account for gene paralogs and gene-duplication events, an aggregated table of ‘‘meta-genes’’ was created. Each meta-gene may include all gene symbols homologous to one mouse gene. For each organism, read counts were combined across all manifestations of each meta-gene. For example, if zebrafish’s actb1 had two reads, and actb2 three reads, the actb meta-gene received a total of five reads. Missing genes in species were given an ‘‘A’’ value.
跨物种同源基因转换(biomaRt和homologene)2022-06-17适用背景 当我们进行跨物种比较分析时会发现基因名对不上,或者找不到基因,这时候就需要进行物种间的同源基因转换。最常用的工具就是Ensembl的biomaRt,另外还查到NCB...
您好!我想问下结果中存在many to many如何处理?
跨物种同源基因转换(biomaRt和homologene)2022-06-17适用背景 当我们进行跨物种比较分析时会发现基因名对不上,或者找不到基因,这时候就需要进行物种间的同源基因转换。最常用的工具就是Ensembl的biomaRt,另外还查到NCB...
@七楼的白羊 谢谢你
【转】Reading KEGG annotation online: fail to download KEGG data... Error in download.KEGG.Path(spe...本文转载自:http://www.360doc.com/content/22/0604/23/76149697_1034565139.shtml 最近在做KEGG富集分析时,...
> getOption("clusterProfiler.download.method")
[1] "auto"
> KEGG<-enrichKEGG(gene$ENTREZID,#KEGG富集分析
+ organism = GO_database,
+ keyType = 'kegg', #KEGG 富集
+ pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
+ qvalueCutoff = 0.05)
Reading KEGG annotation online:
fail to download KEGG data...
Error in download.KEGG.Path(species) :
Failed to download KEGG data. Wrong 'species' or the network is unreachable. The 'species' should be one of organisms listed in 'https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html'
【转】Reading KEGG annotation online: fail to download KEGG data... Error in download.KEGG.Path(spe...本文转载自:http://www.360doc.com/content/22/0604/23/76149697_1034565139.shtml 最近在做KEGG富集分析时,...
biomaRt: 用R愉快检索BioMart数据库网速慢的原因找到了 R 与 BioMart 数据库的语言接口 (interface) Durinck S, Spellman P, Birney E, Huber W (20...