240 发简信
  • 2024-3-26

    Let's run two laps around the track.让我们在跑道上跑两圈。I need to do two rounds o...

  • 2024-3-25

    hollowing out of industries 空心产业hollow 沉闷回荡的,无诚意的,无真正价值的,凹陷的,中空的shortly ...

  • 2024-3-24

    better yet 更好的是,甚至更好,更喜人的是【例句:Better yet, recruit friends to read the li...

  • 2024-3-23

    attested milk 合格乳酒店前台办理退房:“I'd like to check out, please”请帮我办理退房表达在某个时间离...

  • 2024-3-22

    espoused theory 信奉理论,拥护理论espoused values 信仰与价值,信奉的价值out of step 格格不入/不合拍...

  • 2024-3-21

    genre painting 风俗画(以日常生活为题材之写实画);浮世绘du jour 当日的,如今(anything that is du j...

  • 2024-3-19

    cease publication/suspend/close the publication/out of print/discontinue...

  • 2024-3-18

    No sweat 不足挂齿,举手之劳breathe into 注入check up 核对,检验【例句:You'd better check up...

    0.4 39 0 1
  • 2024-3-17

    rip me from any other distraction 让我忘记任何干扰in office 执政,在政府担任要职【例句:The So...