240 发简信
  • 晨读7期day31 1.21Wendy

    1.Materials CPR原文 2.Facts 一,神同步的语调,停顿,语速。 二,同声翻译时的一些小技巧: (1).(die) behin...

  • 晨读7期day30 1.20Wendy

    1.Materials CPR原文及Babyer分享课件 2.Facts pile up /pile+up/ n. multiple colli...

  • 晨读7期day29 1.19Wendy

    1.Materials CPR原文 2.Facts 节奏、强弱和升降调练习 3.Comments 今天S带着大家过了一遍全文,重点讲解发音的节奏...

  • 晨读7期day28 1.18 Wendy

    1.Materials The American Heart Association says about ninety-five percen...

  • 晨读7期day 27 1.17Wendy

    1.Materials Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again...

  • 晨读7期day26 1.16 Wendy

    1.Materials He says this would save lives. Studies show that many people...

  • 晨读7期day25 1.15Wendy

    1.Materials It said people should increase the number of chest presses f...

  • 晨读7期day24 1.14Wendy

    1.Materials Twenty-two percent survived with good brain ability. Only te...

  • 晨读7期day23 1.13Wendy

    1.Materials [ʧ] chest [ʤ] oxygen [θs] breaths [ts] patients [dz] hands [...