240 发简信
  • Fish Boy-2018/06/02

    So I turn and walk away. I picture the yard as a seabed, my body in fish...

  • 国境以南,太阳以西

    Pretend “只消一听无兄无弟,人们便条件反射般地这样想道:这小子是独生子,一定受父母溺爱、体弱多病、极端任性。而这种千篇一律的反应使我相当...

  • 甘比英文拓展写作-the Old Gumbie Cat-Shindowy

    In the beginning, there was a cat withblack and white strips standing in...

  • D9翻译-中_英

    Day 9翻译段落 Is the new urbanismall it is cracked up to be? It is easy to f...

  • 甘比英文拓展写作-an eventful moment-Shindowy

    One cheetah finds an antelope who islagging behind its group. He does no...

  • D8翻译-中_英

    Business:Schumpeter[1]: Leavingfor the city 商业:熊彼得:重返城市 Lots of prominen...

  • 甘比英文拓展写作-描写人物-Shindowy

    Mr. Knightley is a sweet-tempered man in middle age. Althoughone can tel...

  • D6翻译-中_英


  • D5翻译-中_英

    Day 5翻译段落 亚太发展到今天,每迈出一步都要向改革要动力,向创新要活力。改革创新是好事,也是难事。中国古语说:“遇事无难易,而勇于敢为。”...