:最初指精神分析中对自由联想的阻抗 Freud和布洛伊尔一起发发表的论文《癔症的研究》(1895)提到:在神经症病人症状的背后,均隐藏着曾经发生...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience(CABN) EIF:Marie T. Banic...
PAIN 主编信息:Francis J. Keefe 是美国杜克大学Department of Psychiatry and Behaviora...
The Secret to Happiness: Feeling Good or Feeling Right? 《Journal of Expe...
An Expectancy-Value Model of Emotion Regulation: Implications for Motiva...
What We Want Is What We Get: Group-Based Emotional Preferences and Confl...
Desired emotional states: their nature, causes, and implications for emo...
Sex Differences in Emotion-related Cognitive Processes in Irritable Bowe...