《傲慢与偏见》95版第一弹 感谢阅读! 欢迎关注微信公众号“一只爱英语的码农兔”
《爱玛》7-11 7,# ill-advised # 译为“不理智的”“不听劝的”。这里的“go on your ill-advised tri...
好看的海报~ 1,be obliged to (感谢,不得不) 2,have a temper (脾气不好) temped的其他词组: in a...
几乎全是Bella内心独白的一章 一,词组积累 1,turn up the volume(调高音量) 2,There was a lot tos...
一,词组积累 1,And it more thanlived up to my non-expectations(不辜负我的期望). 2,kee...
一,词组积累 1,take a minor break(稍作停顿) 2,pass in a blur(浑浑噩噩过去了) 3,Disappoint...
一,词组积累 1,on the periphery(在外围) 2,to my dismay(让我失望的是) 3,Tyler Crowley wa...
一,经典词组短句积累 1,And I found myselfreveling in the aloness(陶醉在孤独中)instead of...