Life only sells one-way tickets, the past is gone, don't look back frequ...
If you want to let yourself live a good life, you must first let yoursel...
人这一辈子,顺畅也好,逼仄也罢,学会沉淀痛苦,宠辱不惊,生活才会变得温柔顺遂,安暖静好。 In this life, whether it is...
朋友之间真诚往来便好,无需阿谀奉承,无需言不由衷。真心的朋友,不用甜言蜜语,真诚相交,实话实说即可。 It is good to have si...
没有人能陪我们走完人生的全部旅程,他们只能陪我们一阵子。 No one can accompany us through the whole j...
In life, some people and things have become heavy in their hearts, like ...