根据《中共河北省财政厅党组关于在全省财政系统实施标准化绩效管理的意见》,现就做好我厅标准化绩效管理工作,制定如下实施方案。 一、...
著作权的客体 一、作品的概念 著作权的客体—作品。 (一)何为作品 作品是指文学、艺术和科学领域内具有独创性并能以某种有形形式复...
A. Brief Introduction of IP Laws and Regulations There are a number ...
A. Brief Introduction of IP Laws and Regulations In Malaysia, most i...
AS a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Thailand recognises s...
A. Brief Introduction of IP Laws and Regulation Regarding to the itl...
A. Brief Introduction of IP Laws and Regulations The Law on Intellec...