能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。 Energy is an essential material basis for human s...
中国能源市场环境逐步完善,能源工业改革稳步推进。 The environment of China's energy market is gra...
与世界相比,中国煤炭资源地质开采条件较差,大部分储量需要井工开采,极少量可供露天开采。 Compared with other parts of...
其实,文化、文明的进步绝不是依靠闭关锁国、故步自封,而是相互学习、相互交融的结果。 History shows that progress of...
I'd be concerned about state aid explicity aimed at returing the aviatio...
■训练■参考答案 Signs that the disease has spread recently to birds in Siberia ...
■训练■参考答案 Few countries rival Norway when it comes to protecting the envi...
■训练■参考答案 A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting of the Ar...