後面說, He that is a hearer in one place, qualifies himself to becomea spea...
002 For this reason, no style of conversation is moreextensively accepta...
那, 再往下。 到了, 今天最後的 Food for Thought 做點聯想吧, 東西文化, 有很多很多貫通的地方。 你發現阿, 這個 Sam...
. The wit whose vivacity condemns slower tongues of silence, the scholar...
好。 那,再往下。 後面, 第二個說, Few spend their time with much satisfaction under th...
Conversation (Excerpted) by Samuel Johnson 好。 再往下, 我們進入正文部...
【英文观止·典藏】 约翰逊《字典的故事》 Conversation (Excerpted) by Samuel Johnson 這個文章是跟那個...
. 清談Conversation by Samuel Johnson 再往下,文章最後了。 然後,這個時候呢,Samuel J...
From Faithful to Tasteful 到位...