快乐工作,幸福生活 It's seven P.M. Jesse is very tired, so she's taking a break a...

快乐工作,幸福生活 It's seven P.M. Jesse is very tired, so she's taking a break a...
报告写不完怎么办? It's already six PM. Jesse feels she can't finish her report o...
即时消息沟通礼仪 Instant messaging on platforms like slack or wechat work can be...
你必须知道的办公用品 Hi, Jessie, welcome aboard. Here is your ID card. Please make...
小白如何谈工资? Jesse had an interview for a marketing assistant position. Her ...
不能浪费的提问时间 Interview is coming to an end. Now it's time for her to ask th...
目标一致的不二人选 Jesse's interview continues. Now she needs to show why she's a...
Remember every question in an interview is a chance to show you are the ...
❓ 面试过程中如何巧妙的回答优缺点问题 📢 巧用话术,扬长避短 Jesse is in a job interview she has alre...
面试开局 JC has applied for a position as a marketing assistant. Today she w...