大家都知道,英文写作是各个考试的必考题型。 四六级写作是四六级考试的第一项,时间限制在30分钟。 四级要求作文字数不低于120个词,而六级要求作...

大家都知道,英文写作是各个考试的必考题型。 四六级写作是四六级考试的第一项,时间限制在30分钟。 四级要求作文字数不低于120个词,而六级要求作...
1. potable 2. brittle 3. ponderable 4. trickle 5.chorale 6.wheedle 7. ho...
Language Is an Identity but also a Communication Tool Response Paper of ...
Spotify, a music-streaming service, listed its shares in New York. The S...
TED TALK DICTATION - Scrapers deserve interviews (一篇来自人力资源经理的演) (加粗单词、词组...
Trump’s Middle East ‘Deal of the Century’ Coming Into Focus 特朗普的中东和平“世纪交...
1. The trick, Willim Potter, is not minding that it hurts. 秘诀在于不介意疼痛。 2....
Are you watching closely? The Prestige(2006), a movie adapted by a novel...
"The most important thing in life would always be the people right here,...