240 发简信
  • 在微信小程序中使用后端云服务LeanCloud


  • 服务器不需要做任何支持。看苹果自己的帖子:https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/136166

    #3 — Will I need to update my server?
    That depends on where your server is running:
    If you have a server running on the wider Internet, the answer is no. Your server will be accessible to IPv6-only devices via DNS64/NAT64.
    You should update your server to support IPv6 as a matter of course, but that’s something you can do in your own time.
    If you have a server embedded within your iOS app (for example, a web server that allows users to transfer files to and from your app), you should make sure it works well in an IPv6-only environment.

