pytorch中SGD的动量实现是如下这个样子的 将pytorch的实现翻译为公式,就是如下这个样子:为什么说它诡异呢?因为它与Polyak, ...
There is a classification problem having two classes, with equal prior pr...
Problem: Please build a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to model the data i...
环境:Manjaro - arch linux框架:pytorch 1.0-cuda-10.0Nividia driver:410cuda:10...
Homework2 1. Generate n = 2,000 points uniformly at random in the two-di...
数学推导 过程参考于: 李航《统计学习方法》多项式函数拟合问题V2 https://blog.csdn.net/xiaolewennofollo...
来源于李沐大神的talk:基于系统和算法的协同设计的大规模分布式机器学习(Scaling Distributed Machine Learnin...