Level 7 Unit1 Part1 -4 Learning On Procrastination Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a mast...
Level 7 Unit1 Part1 -4 Learning On Procrastination Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a mast...
以下链接均来自TED Talk官网,排列顺序与Level里面的Unit出现顺序并不统一。在官网里面可以找到Transcript,方便自主研习。特分享于此,以飨各位英语爱好者。...
写在前面的话: 首先写这篇文章并不代表我的英语有多么多么好,只是纯粹分享一种学习方法。英语流利说(或者懂你英语)有一个产品是报名半年学习课程,可以达标返现。看上去似乎功...
The world's population is growing at a rate of a little more than 1% per year. However,...
L5-U2-P1-1 Listening :Psychology of Love 1 Psychology of Love 1 One of the most importa...