It has been a while since the last time I wrote something, or anything. I find it hard ...

It has been a while since the last time I wrote something, or anything. I find it hard ...
The Lord must have seen that I was struggling with my life. That's why He sent my frien...
When I look back at my life now, I can't seem to find a thing that I absolutely enjoy, ...
I would like to move on with my life, no matter the result is good or bad. I would like...
我一直以为自己是一个非常low maintenance的人,只要给我一台笔记本电脑我就可以足不出户老死屋中的那种。现在看来,我不是。我只是告诉我自己是,自我催眠,其实我该不是...
今天周日了,心情依旧不能完全恢复,但是至少有班可加了,这是天大的好事。为什么呢,因为只有面对病人的时候我才能专心于他们的痛苦而忘记自己的。 昨天去了两个超市疯狂购物也没有能够...
B-dayI feel like there's a need to talk about today----the day I've been forgetting, again a...
Kind words give you sanity in a turmoil. And coffee makes you sober in the morning afte...
I'm one lucky gal, and my luck is quite balanced, in the way that when I think I had ba...
All About Talk-It-Through and Confession First thing first, 今天很幸运你可以陪我。 我其实是最近才学会talk i...
哪有那么多为什么体检,蓓蓓甲状腺结节4a级,这必须去医院做进一步检查了。可以预见少不了一刀了。 昨天去省立一院看专家号,基本确定是恶性的,做了穿刺活检,准备做消融手术。 甲状腺肿瘤恶性的也没...
这世上最让我厌恶的就是婆婆的答非所问。无论你问她什么,她给你的回应都不是对问题的回答。 比如,你问她孩子几点吃的饭,她有可能回答你她带孩子赶集去了,或者去楼下玩了。 你再问一...
纠结了很久很久,终于放弃了奇奇学英语推出活动,2998元889天的线上英语幼儿启蒙活动。 我是真动心了。 因为蓁蓁女儿在学“斑马英语”,一年2500元。查其他线上机构,也只有贵没有更便宜的。 就内容来...
From Scientific American: Written by T. Lewis Note: Can you summarize those two paragra...
From Nature: Written by J. Ghosh Note: There are two ideas in this paragraph. Can you f...
From C&EN: Written by M. Gilden Note: Summarize this paragraph without going to your di...
From C&EN: Written by A. Mullard Note: Can you summarize the main idea without looking ...
From Nature: Written by A. Witze Note: Summarize paragraph 1 and 2 and state the relati...
From Scientific American: Written by Gary Stix Note: Can you state the purpose of this ...