When employees work long hours and have no time to relax, they may lose morale. But low...
When employees work long hours and have no time to relax, they may lose morale. But low...
to integrate To integrate something means to make it part of a whoal. In order to have ...
Looks like it's going to be another late night for me. Why? Well, it's already six o'cl...
to allocate To allocate means to divide and distribute something like time or money. Wh...
specific To be specific means to be precise and clear. A specific goal clearly defines ...
to underestimate To underestimate something means to think it is smaller or less import...
When everything you have to do seems important, figuring out where to begin can be diff...
So, how have you been? It's been such a long time since we last caught up. Yeah, I thin...
to schedule To schedule something means to plan when and where it will happen. Scheduli...
interruption An interruption is something that stops work from being down. Frequent int...
Here are some factors that can make it difficult to manage your time. stress Stress can...
Do you often struggle to finish your work on time? Improving you time management skills...
Hey Samantha. You wanted to see me? Hey Ted! Have a seat. I've read your latest researc...
Limit your focus. Limit your feedback to a few specific issues. It's good to focus on t...
Here is some advice on how to receive feedback. Invite feedback regularly. You should a...
Effective feedback has certain characteristics. balanced Balanced feedback evaluates an...
Knowing how to give effective feedback is critical in the business world. Here is some ...
So, you two joined our team not so long ago, right? Yeah, we both joined two weeks ago....
Here are some behaviors that give a positive impression at work. Be positive. To be pos...
Here are some behaviors that can give a negative impression at work. making assumptions...